November 17, 2010


It’s always been a mystery to me how two heart meet and become one. I am wondering how two heart come together to share one love forever.  I have many questions in my mind that I can’t find the answer right away. Two strangers meet across miles away. Together they share one world even in distance apart. I never was in love this way, until I got the chance to meet you. It’s very funny that I got to know you unprepared. The impact of you in my life make a great changes in me, Suddenly, I never be the same person I used to be. But this change makes me a better person. Until now I can’t explain what really your purpose in my life is. All I know is since the day you become part of my life, it brings out all the best in me. I realized that there is love from a distance that will change your whole life forever, like what you did to me. Every time I think about the past, on how we meet and become close, I can’t help but to smile. There are so many good memories to reminisce than to forget. It was like magic that the fate put us together in this situation to test how strong the love lies in our heart. How much love we can give and share. It’s weird that even in the hardest part in our life being together, we never break apart. I can’t even remember how many times I cry and almost lose my faith. It seems all my hope was gone but there you are, lending your hand to me. You help me to put in the right tracks again and build up my confidence, taking all my fears inside. Through the bad times, you never leave in my side, you stay until in the worst situation. Are you my savior or hero? An angel in disguise? I don’t know what role you play in my life but the only thing I know; you are the other half of my heart. Now, I know how beautiful life can be when I found the one I will share with, YOU…


I wrote this letter for you my love
I wish you will read it with all your love
I may not vocal to you all the time
But you know I love you every time
I am not used in writing a love letter
I just want to show my love in a letter
Reading my letter wish I make you smile
Hoping it will give you happiness even for a while
I care for you
I honor you
You are the beat of my heart
The only one in my heart
I am speechless, can’t find the right words to say
To you, I will stay in love this way
When you are alone, I will leave you never
I will hold you close and be your shelter
This simple letter will make your heart melt
I swear, this is what I felt
My love, read my love letter
For you to know my love is forever…


There she was, crying…
My heart starts dying.
I try to hold her
Say sorry to her.
But she moves away
My heart breaks in two to see her that way
I can’t take it no more
I am hurting her more and more
I am the reason behind her tears
She cries so hard, I can’t bear
I look away and never say a sound
I keep on silent with head on the ground
She tries to speak, fighting the pain
I hurt her, it’s me to blame
Her heart is breaking
But why mine is aching?
I make her life in vain
But why I have to feel her pain?
I just realized one thing
You cannot have everything
In love, you have to suffer
But it will make you tougher
The hardest thing is to let go
You will lost, nowhere to go
But when love is wrong
Let it go even you are strong
Don’t be guilty if you hurt someone
That’s how love goes for every one
Even you want to protect someone’s heart
There is no easy way to break somebody’s heart


You are sent from heavens above
So you can shower love
You catch me with your charms
I can’t wait to hold you in my arms
One look from you
I can’t help to fall for you
You have magic in your own way
You’re the one who make me feel this way
You make me weak
I can’t speak
I can’t find the words to say
You take my heart away
You are all over my head
I think of you even in my bed
My heart can’t stop loving you
Now all I want is you…


I want to tell you it is not just a vision
I got all the love and devotion
I am here to show my love for you
At night, I dream only you
At the falling star, I make a wish
That someday I will feel your kiss
When I close my eyes, I see your grace
I am longing for your sweet embrace
This feeling I have inside
Makes me want you to be my bride
I want you more and more
To be with you forevermore
I will be patiently waiting for you
Because true love I see in you
Whatever comes along the way
My love for you will always stay
Through rain or any kind of weather
No one can break us when were together…