October 18, 2010


I can’t explain why I feel this way
I denied this feeling for so long
I try to hide what I really feel for you
I am afraid your love for me is not true
I try to run away from you
Try to forget everything about you
But feeling is getting stronger
Every day is getting harder
I’m trying to get over you
But I end up loving you
When this feeling fade?
When will I stop loving you?
I cannot forced my heart
It just breaking me apart
No matter what I do
Even I run away from you
My heart beats for you
And I’m falling for you


The shadow of myself hiding inside of me
Darkness is all I can see
Pain and misery deep inside of me
Sadness killing every pieces of me
I remain strong for the love I fight
The feelings I feel I can’t fight
In the sky the clouds are gray
Giving darkness to a lonely day
Stars never shine anymore
Even moonlight can’t give light no more
I am the shadow hiding inside
You cannot see me when I hide
You will never know
When my shadows will show
From then you will know
My love will show…


Dream can come true
Love never lies
Understand your heart
It will beat again
It will beat to whom it should belong
From a distance my heart beats too
Fight for the love that is unknown
If only I can make you my own
Then I will make it on my own
Questioning my feelings
Thinking everything is a lie
If you knew all along who really I am
Who I am hiding in this face
Tell me why you have to love me
But then deceive me
You love me for so long
Fight for me till you die
But you never know what you are fighting for
Feeling you are alone
I try to reach your hand
But your hand reaching other side
I try to let out my feelings
Still you doubted it
You are in my heart since you love me
But this heart was rip apart
By lies, tears and pain
I know how long you love me
But you don't know how long I keep you
You keep searching for me
But you search for the wrong one
Keep on asking questions
Still you know the answer
The answer is in your heart
But you refused to believe
You said I am your love
But you are looking for the other me
You think you're always the one hurting
But you never know what migth hurt me
You cry inside and never show
But you don't feel my pain
You are blind to see
I was trying to be me
But all those years you knew what I am to you
You should see how much I care to you
You have been listening for what you hear
But you never stick for what you believe
Instead your pretend and make believe.


You dream of love you wanted
Even you know you are taking for granted
You want him to be yours
And surrender everything that is yours
You want him to be your own
Even to you he is unknown
You try to make him fall
But it’s you who always fall
You try to get his love
Even hurting the one he love
But all you can get is pain
And your life put in vain
You cannot hide the tears
Because it shows all your fears
To you he is everything
Even you can get nothing
You thought you win his heart
But you realized it was torn apart
You try to forget him
But you end up longing for him
You can’t find your way
Trying to get away
But you find yourself falling even more
You can’t stop to love him more
Lesson you learn in love
You cannot forced someone we love
A heart can learn to love on its own
You can find someone you can call your own
You cannot have all the things you want
Because you cannot lose what you never had


To hold you close to me is all I want to do, to keep you warm with my loving arms, to keep you safe from any harm and to love you in a special way I can. I want to feel your heart beat close to mine and feel the love you have inside your heart. I just want to love you with all my heart, with all my soul and strength. As long you have my heart and it’s you I love, I will be strong and hold on for our dreams. Soon I know that you and I will find a way for us to be together just like the way we always dream...


Once in a lifetime
Two hearts will meet
In a right time and place
They were share one love, one dream
Two hearts live in different world
But beat as one soul
Together they will build a love
A love they will share forever
Two hearts, beating together
Giving strength to each other
Two hearts never collide
When it its burning inside
The fire they made will be their light
For the love they fight…


This is not the end, but the beginning
The beginning of new chapter of my life
The beginning of new love
Many lies, many tears, many pain
Killing my soul one by one
I did everything I could
To live and not to die
I tell the world who really I am
But no one stand for their belief
My heart become a lost soul
I become the victim beyond my innocence
I keep on running to hide
Save my life from misery
In the end, still I am lost
Nowhere to go, can't find my way
I am tired running from pain
I am tired running from judgment
Maybe i am hiding in my shell
To protect myself but I am not scared
I know what I want to become
And that's what I am...


Maybe our path will cross
But you never know that is me
Maybe you will know, maybe not
But only the beat of your heart knows
Who I am to you, is unknown
But it was just our heart feels
What is real and not?
A Heart never lies, but heart can only hide
Feelings cannot be saying by words
By it can be show by actions
The beat of the heart is more than feelings
It will never fade when the feelings remain...


I live in a darkness
In a world of sadness
I keep on running to be alive
My world just collide
I am living in a world of lies
But love inside me never dies
I keep on looking for my heart
To find my soul and not to torn apart
I see the beauty of life in a dream
But it was not like what it seems
Life is unfair
You better be prepare
I will not tell you who I am
Until you show me who you are
I am not living to hide
But I'm living because I exist
Better to be unknown who really I am
Than to know who I am really not...